Produce a captivating documentary series on airway disorders and lead community health literacy programs that empower the public with knowledge about airway disorder prevention & care.
Raise awareness through producing a captivating documentary series on airway disorders and lead community health literacy programs that empower the public with knowledge about airway disorder prevention & care.
Breathless, the groundbreaking docuseries spearheading the Airway Revolution, goes beyond cinematic storytelling. Originating from the captivating journey of Sydney Avis, chronicled by award-winning filmmakers from Moving Pictures, Breathless sheds light on the impact of the airway on people's lives and advocates for necessary changes.
Before the establishment of the Airway Revolution Foundation in 2016, filmmakers closely followed Sydney's quest for answers to her health issues. The documentary series not only unravels Sydney's personal struggle but expands into the broader narrative of the airway, featuring millions of individuals facing undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or untreated conditions.
The filmmakers uncovered a hidden epidemic affecting millions, with medical professionals grappling to provide comprehensive diagnoses and treatment plans.The documentary reveals a gap between certain clinicians handling an increase in patients with upper airway disorders and others who resist current methods, citing a lack of recent research support. This creates a tug-of-war scenario, leaving patients caught in the middle.
Breathless emerges as the cornerstone of the Airway Revolution, offering a potential solution to make millions globally aware of the problem and its possible resolutions. Some argue that early intervention, informed by the right knowledge, could have spared individuals like Sydney from invasive procedures. The docuseries, scheduled for global distribution in 2024, not only captures the audience's attention but also directly connects with viewers who may be personally affected by airway disorders.
In addition to the compelling documentary series, the Airway Revolution Foundation is actively involved in spreading awareness about upper airway disorders through community health literacy programs. These initiatives are designed to empower the public with essential knowledge about airway disorder prevention and care, further reinforcing the foundation's commitment to creating a more informed and supportive society in the realm of upper airway health.